[Note: Click on above image to go to official Google+ explanation of "Differences between Google+ profiles and pages" which recommends you use the profile G+ to link to your YouTube channel. For example, I learned that profile G+ doesn't let you add managers, but for +Pages, you can add up to 50 managers. Read below to see why I prefer using a +Page, not profile G+, to link to my main YouTube channel & other subsequent YouTube channels I've created.]
Something that I've figured out when trying to sort through the confusion of how to make Google+ work for indie musicians is you need to be aware that your profile G+ is different than your additional G+ pages (a.k.a. +Page).
I believe that G+ intended for YouTube channels to create an additional G+ page (a.k.a. +Page), not use your profile G+, for YouTube. I've given you some info below based on what I've learned in trying to navigate the inherent confusion in all this to help you decide if you want to use your profile G+ or create a +Page to connect to your YouTube channel. So far, I've noticed a few differences between profile G+ and +Page as follows:
1) When I tried to add Communications managers to help me with my many +Page, the system would not let me add any +Page names. I could only add the profile name of the person who I wanted to invite as Manager/ Communications manager. This is not a big deal. All you need to do is find out the G+ profile name or ID number of the person who you want to add, not their Page+ name. Add that profile name to your G+ circle, then when you go to add the name as manager, it will come up more easily in the auto-type.
2) NO STATISTICS on my profile G+! For +Pages, there is a 'My Business' feature where you can check Insights which are statistics for your page, including total views and daily count of post, profile & photo views. Statistics are vital for gauging your progress to help you assess & improve your promotional methods. This is also useful in keeping you motivated to regularly pay attention to your G+ followers/fans. Maybe there is an Insight for profile G+, but I can't find it. If enough people complain, G+ will be pressured to make statistics available on profile G+, too.
3) +Page allows you to put your website under your avatar. Profile G+ does not let you put a website link under your avatar.
4) There is a 'share' arrow option on +Page below your avatar, but none for the profile G+, which is one less option and yet another reason why you should set up additional +Page to be connected to your YouTube channel, not use your main profile G+.
5) When I created additional +Page, it gives you the option to create separate YouTube channels for each new +Page. This was useful to me for promoting specific playlists at YouTube for the different genres that I set up on separate +Pages. Try to exploit this feature to grab YouTube users to your various +Page. In other words, you're better off finding multiple ways to promote yourself on YouTube instead of being limited to only 1 YouTube channel. Why not use all the resources that Google+ gives you?
6) Your profile name is limited to 2 words (intended for your real first & last name only) and a nickname. Know that even if you set a nickname, this nickname is not what shows up by default when potential fans see you added them to your circles. With +Page, you get to choose a 'title' name for your +Page and that can be long like the names of all my different +Pages. Even though I used a hyphen, try to avoid it if you can, but in my case, I really didn't have many other options. Other indie musicians have figured out good titles without the need for hypen because keep in mind that when people do G+ searches which has auto-type, you want to make your title easy for them to remember how you named yourself so that they can type in enough to get your name to auto-type in the search drop-down list.
7) To switch between your profile G+ and +Page sign-ins, use this formula for the URL:
8) If you decide to use your profile G+ as your primary G+ for your YouTube channel, even though I don't believe that it was the original intent, know that your YouTube link doesn't automatically show up in the links sections in the 'About' page of your profile so you have to manually input that info. When you create a +Page for your YouTube channel, it automatically shows your YouTube link in the 'About' page in the links section.
If you decide to use your profile G+ as your primary G+ for YouTube, do not use the default G+ link that YouTube gives you. Uncheck the box for that default link and input your profile G+ link instead.
9) The only pros that I can think of for using your profile G+ is you don't have to toggle between your profile G+ and your other pages when signing in to your G+.
10) To create a +Page G+ for your YouTube, go to the 'About' page on your YouTube channel and put your pointer over the upper right corner of your YouTube cover photo. Click on the pencil icon and choose 'Edit links' which should take you to the links edit section. Check the box that says 'Overlay linked G+ page on channel art', then click 'Done'. That is the correct G+ link which you should be using to be connect to your YouTube channel. Now you can go to that link to set up your +Page G+ for your YouTube channel, which is the best one to build a fan base for your YouTube fans.
11) To avoid your fans from getting confused of your 2 different G+, you can either delete your profile G+ or do what I did, which is convert it into a G+ for this luvindiemusic - music blog which I'm using now to reblog advice & tips for indie musicians.
12) Don't panic at all if you mistakenly used your profile G+ as your primary G+ for YouTube or artist page. Use the 'share' feature to transfer as many posts from your profile G+ to your new additional +Page to avoid losing any +1's & comments. Next, you can easily create a new circle of your followers called 'old followers', then share that circle to your new page and instruct your followers from profile G+ to follow you at your new +Page. Send follow-up messages to old followers who didn't migrate to make sure that they didn't get lost in the shuffle.
13) I've embraced the old adage "If you can't beat them, join 'em!" Now I have ~10 additional +Pages, one for each genre of music. It can be very confusing when initially setting up the pages which is the hardest part, then it's only minimally bothersome to maintain. You will adapt fairly quickly to the routine of switching between your profile G+ and
14) Visuals are extremely important on +Pages. Post up an avatar & cover photo which instantly identifies you as an indie musician or whatever your do in the music biz because you want to ride this wave of indie popularity while the getting is good. Music videos, live performances and G+ photo albums are a ginormous attraction for getting new followers. Keep your site up to date, posting daily if possible or at least 2 - 3 times per week.
15) Scour G+ for interesting sites which can lead you to potential fans., then add those active G+ users to your circles. Network with other indie musicians, promoters & radio to share circles of potential fans. Before you know it, your fan base will grow rapidly in proportion to the work you invest in gaining new fans by optimizing your G+ promotions.
16) Start researching how to use the Hangouts to further strengthen your fan base. After you get enough interest, do a Hangout with your fans. I suggest for you to start with a small group, then find ways to improve your presentation to manage a Hangout with larger group of fans.
Fortunately my profile G+ used for this music blog is mostly connected to the Google-owned Blogger website which has statistics, although not as informative as the ones from +Pages.
There may be a better way to set up your 2 different profile & YouTube G+, but so far this is how I've been able to optimize the one Gmail address instead of the need to create multiple Gmails. Hopefully you are less, not more, confused as you move forward to create your satisfying G+ connected to your YouTube channel to find a ton of new fans!