@Vedothesinger talks working with Usher, the Voice, & More On My Hip Hop Ish : #OMHHI http://t.co/qNRUpZWM1i
— Jes King (@ONMYHIPHOPISH) November 10, 2014

spreading the word about indie musicians, promoters, radio stations , events
@Vedothesinger talks working with Usher, the Voice, & More On My Hip Hop Ish : #OMHHI http://t.co/qNRUpZWM1i
— Jes King (@ONMYHIPHOPISH) November 10, 2014
I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/7UO6CT2ju8 Craig Wayne Boyd Goes From Playing Nashville Honky Tonks to The Voice Stage
— Craig Wayne Boyd (@CWBYall) November 14, 2014
If you're in a local band (#aberdeen) then today is the last day to hand in CDs or LPs to our shop #RecordFayre http://t.co/h9rcEqJNnY
— iiMusic (@iimusicshop) November 12, 2014
Today's the last chance for local artists to get their music on the @iimusicshop stall at Saturday's label market http://t.co/U2wwjoL6cF
— 57 Degrees North (@57degreesnorth) November 12, 2014
This Saturday!We'll be there“@STVAberdeen: Celebrate the best of indie record labels this weekend at The Lemon Tree: http://t.co/gomanOhaCd”
— iiMusic (@iimusicshop) November 12, 2014
Vote now for the Trad Music Awards “@AIYF: Have your say on the winners! Lots of friends of AIYF involved. http://t.co/HPglGOoUnm”
— iiMusic (@iimusicshop) November 12, 2014
Yesterday,@CaraDrinksTea released her new EP - and guess what? She's performing in our shop on the 22nd Nov http://t.co/S0B431YrsR #aberdeen
— iiMusic (@iimusicshop) November 12, 2014
Today's for local artists to get their music on a stall at the label market through @iimusicshop
— ♫ Sherrene Roxanne ♫ (@Roxywells3) November 12, 2014
Aretha Franklin talks modern divas, snubs Taylor Swift and Nicki Minaj http://t.co/QLligeFCzN
— Jezebel (@Jezebel) November 8, 2014
.@ArethaFranklin chatted w/ @WSJ about her new album, @taylorswift13, being a diva & more. Here's my video interview http://t.co/xm1VRfKlBE
— cjfarley (@cjfarley) November 6, 2014