MTT Weekly Recap: What are the odds of succeeding without a record deal?
— hypebot (@hypebot) June 25, 2011

Do Social Networks Really Help Musicians?
— Music Think Tank (@musicthinktank) June 9, 2011
Do Social Networks Really Help Musicians? Revisited
— hypebot (@hypebot) June 14, 2011
Think for yourself
— SPEAK (@speakz) October 3, 2014
Nobody own my publishing either. That's the shit that I'm on
— SPEAK (@speakz) October 3, 2014
I'm just tryin to get my syncs up ...real song writer shit. That's where the $$ at
— SPEAK (@speakz) October 3, 2014
@speakz and with no major label signing
— Alan vanzzini (@Innov8dthoughts) October 5, 2014
I'm a lot of things . Fake is not one.
— SPEAK (@speakz) October 10, 2014
I wanna do everything creative. Whatever makes me happy. Just gonna do it on my terms & not allow myself to get boxed in.
— SPEAK (@speakz) October 3, 2014
It's not just about rap for me.never been.It's about feeding the insatiable appetite to make the cool weird shit I see in my head real
— SPEAK (@speakz) October 3, 2014
I like when I see people stopped at the light or driving by and they're singing along to the music in their car loud as fuck.
— SPEAK (@speakz) October 10, 2014
It's healthy to sing. Even if you suck at it and sound horrible. It's good for the heart.
— SPEAK (@speakz) October 10, 2014
Any other life questions? I'm here to help
— SPEAK (@speakz) October 5, 2014
Here for no reason at all is a picture of me and Warren Buffett. #richgang
— SPEAK (@speakz) October 6, 2014
One word that all musicians should know and live by......
— Gabriel Ayala (@ayalaguitarist) April 23, 2014
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